CREN's Strategic and Practical FAQ Series
This FAQ print series provides quick, effective background information on complex, strategic leading-edge technologies and are particularly useful for communicating to presidents, CIOs, provosts, and other key campus leaders.
FAQ: Campus Portals (2002 - Members Only)
- Provides and introductory to campus portals (and how they differ from home pages)
- Outlines the benefits and uses of campus portals
- Contains best practice strategies for portal design and development
Members can download the PDF file here with the CREN name and password. If you need the name and password, send an email to
FAQ: Institutional Directories and Repositories (2001 - Members Only)
- Provides an introductory to directory services
- Provides detailed information about directories
- Contains a glossary of directory terms
Members can download the PDF file here with the CREN name and password. If you need the name and password, send an email to
A related and useful directory site is the "Recipe for Configuring and Operating LDAP Directories" at
FAQ: Digital Certificate Infrastructure (2000)
- Provides an introduction to digital certificates
- Defines digital certificate infrastructure requirements for the user
- Defines digital infrastructure requirements for the campus
You can download the Digital Certificate Infrastructure FAQ (PDF file) developed by CREN and the Digital Library Federation.