Virtual Seminars

Creating Internet2

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Creating Internet2

CREN's Creating Internet2 Virtual Seminar gives you a pragmatic introduction to the types of possibilities made a reality by UCAID's launching of Internet2, the advanced network designed specifically for the needs of higher education.

Internet2 is not some pipe dream. A number of major universities have already been connected through its regional aggregation points, called "gigaPoPs." There are already over 25 gigaPoPs stretched across the United States, and the number is growing rapidly.

The increased bandwidth made possible by an advanced network like Internet2 will undoubtedly affect the way we teach and conduct research. Remote teaching, research, and data manipulation may someday become as mundane as email. Real-time audio and video, real-time and delayed collaboration, distributed computing, and teleimmersion will be the building blocks for myriad applications limited only by our own creativity.

The CREN Seminar

CREN's Virtual Seminar offers examples of Internet2 applications currently under development at places like UC San Diego and Cornell University. Its aim, however, is not simply to describe what's already out there but to make you an active part of its creation and evolution.

In addition to giving you enough background information to understand both the technology and the history behind Internet2, Creating Internet2 supplies the pragmatic information you need to make decisions for your specific institution. It answers questions like:

  • What types of network connections will support the increased bandwidth available over Internet2?
  • What will connect my institution to the Internet2 infrastructure?
  • What needs to be done to prepare my institution for this connection?
  • What variables affect when my institution should join?
  • How much is it going to cost?
For more information on both the content of the seminar and its presenters, take a look at the Creating Internet2 presentation descriptions.

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