TechTalks Archive Have Moved
The TechTalks Archive is now at
The TechTalks Archive is a series of Web
casts that were produced by the Corporation for Research and
Educational Networking (CREN) from 1997 through 2002. CREN was the
non-profit higher education member organization that founded BITNET
(the "Because It's Time"network) in 1981 and provided IT Knowledge
Services and Certificate Authority services to support research and
educational institutions.
The TechTalks represent CREN's pioneering spirit, as they were among
the earliest audio Web casts covering technology in education. CREN's
executive director Judith V. Boettcher, Ph.D., and Princeton
University's IT strategist Howard Strauss hosted the TechTalks,
featuring audio interviews with experts on a rich variety of IT
topics from networking, to security, to course management systems.
Upon closing in 2003, CREN entrusted Syllabus with the TechTalks
Archive, which will be available for free at
for years
to come as a great resource for the education community. Enjoy these
archives and watch for updates to their companion series,
Syllabus Radio.
You can listen to the archived events (and view supplementary
materials) or read the transcripts.